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 Method of Healing  of Unconditional Love

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At Ecomvital we carry out the Unconditional Love Healing Method.

This Method has been created by Carolina Ecomo, to work on healing people and cleaning energies, blockages, ailments... that may affect them.

She combines different techniques with the energies of Unconditional Love channeled by her. It has developed new methods for working with these tools that greatly increase the power of each one of them and even more so of their combination.

What does it consist of?

The method has four areas of work: Healing, Areas of life, Cleaning spaces and Consciousness.

We work on what the person wants to work on or needs to work on at this moment   physical, emotional, mental, energetic and/or spiritual level.

We will carry out an initial check-up, in which we will indicate the areas that the person must work on at this time, with what number of sessions and what type of sessions are needed.

Once done, the sessions will begin with the Specialists and Teachers of the corresponding areas in the stipulated time.

Carrying out this process is extremely positive because you are going to work on what is limiting you at this moment and needs to be cleaned, healed, balanced..., in addition, the person's process works in an orderly manner, so this experience becomes something wonderful.

The energy imbalance will give way in the sessions to greater harmony, understanding, tranquility, confidence... depending on what you need. This will always be done in constant connection with the essence and guides of the person who will mark the necessary work to be done. 


The sessions will be totally personalized.

The techniques that are going to be used in them will be the ones you need at that moment. Some of them are Reiki of Unconditional Love, Gemotherapy, Aromatherapy, Meditation, Tarot of Unconditional Love, Energy Candles, Coaching... They can be used independently or in combination, depending on what needs to be worked on._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_

If you feel well, you can enjoy carrying out a process of personal and spiritual growth in the sessions, balance your space and work on your well-being and personal knowledge; and if you are going through a lower situation you can use the sessions to heal and clear those blockages that prevent you from moving forward in a positive way and help improve the situation, gain understanding of what is happening and balance those situations.

You may request these sessions when you find yourself in situations such as the following: 

- Perform an energy rebalancing

- Physical, emotional, mental exhaustion...

- Depression

- Discussions with other people

- Feeling bad about oneself

. Lack of selfesteem

- Lack of professional interest

- Job search

- Heal relationships with family, partner, friends

- Know yourself

- Cleanse negativity from your life

- Lead a process of personal growth

- Activate qualities

- Find solutions to life problems

- gain spiritual knowledge

- Physical ailments

- It seems that everything is going wrong

- Need to open roads in some area

- Lead a healing process

- Heal traumas from the past, from childhood...

- Discover your gifts or abilities

- Learn to love yourself and love others

- let go of emotions

- ...., or anything else you may need 

In addition to improving the energy of the person, we can also balance that of animals and plants.

Request your process and start the change you need!


Session price:


Specialist Session: €35

Specialist Teacher Session: €50

Higher Master's Session: €65

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