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Unconditional Love Gem Therapy Course


Ecomvital's "Gemtherapy of Unconditional Love" courses will teach you how to use this technique in your day to day life. To do this, they offer you a deep knowledge about it, about gems and crystals, about their use, about special techniques and much more.


You can use it to harmonize environments, to balance your energy and to work on the energy of third parties. In addition, in the three levels you will be initiated into the related Energies of Unconditional Love that will do the most magical part of the work.

The training consists of three levels. It is important to have completed the "Check and connection" course.


Gems and crystals are used to balance energies and dissolve blockages at the root.

With this first level you will be able to get a first approach to this technique, you will know the properties and characteristics of many gems and crystals, you will know how to use them to harmonize your space and you will learn to use gem therapy to help you achieve your goals. This course is ideal for you if you are attracted to gems and crystals and want to find a technique that will help you harmonize your life and yourself. 

This first level will have the orientation for healers, cleaners of people's lives and cleaners of spaces. Depending on your interest, you can choose one  or another.

In each one of them you will initiate yourself in the corresponding energies of Unconditional Love that you will use in your sessions.

Levels II and III are focused on people who want to train in healing.

The course is done online live.

Materials included:

- Work dossier

- Diploma

Course price: €120

Request more information or book your course!


Level II of Ecomvital's Unconditional Love Gem Therapy is aimed at those who want to learn how to use gems and crystals to improve their life, their energy and balance their energy field. In this course you will learn the steps to use them in your healing. You will also learn to work with gems and crystals at a distance.

The course is done online live.

To take this course it is essential to have completed level I.

Materials included:

- Work dossier

- Diploma 

Course price: €150

Request more information or book your course!


Ecomvital's level III Gemotherapy will allow you to work on yourself and on third parties to harmonize their energy with gems and crystals. You will learn to download the energy of their bodies, to cleanse the person's energy, to do energy surgery, you will work with 9 chakras instead of 7, you will make mandalas of gems and crystals for healing... It is a very powerful course that will give you a tool for your whole life.

The course is done online live.

To take this course it is essential to have completed level II.

Materials included:

- Work dossier

- Diploma 

Course price: €180

Request more information or book your course !










Courses created by Carolina Ecomo  

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